Winter 2018-2019 Basement remodel
We spent 5 months on this basement. Uses 4 mil, Sheathing, 1/2 foam insulation, Metal studs, mold and mildew resistant drywall.. Metal studs were used so mold would not grow on the wood. we did a drop ceiling, columns around the post.
We did a mechanic room for the furnace a with louver doors and will have a heat sensor for an alarm, and we added 2 closets to the side of it. Also, another closet which is 24×4, huge storage with shelving. 3200 square foot of open space, this was a great winter job and look forward to more in the future
Stairwell with mold, rotted staircase ad fire door replacement
this is the stairwell out of the basement project. It had an in-closed stairwell made of pine..over the years rot, mole and mildew caused the stringers to decay at the bottom run. The Door was replaced as well, The project has taken 3 weeks, we built the stingers and trades from pressure treated lumber and went with it remaining open rather than a closed in to not let the moister build future problems.